Digital Citizenship


    As a digital citizen, I will use my voice to educate and raise awareness about certain issues in our society. I won't lead other people to fake news and inaccurate information. I will follow online netiquette by respecting my fellow netizens, being sensitive to the words that I post or comment on in social media, and remembering the golden rule, which is to don't do unto others what I don't want others to do unto me. Furthermore, as part of the digital community, I should be aware of the influence that I hold and that there are consequences to my actions that can lead to any cybercrime, like libel or hate crimes. Eventually, I should mold myself as a responsible digital citizen with authority so that we can fulfill our roles in the society and utilize social media for the good of everyone.

Digital Rights and Responsibilities

Digital Rights and Responsibilities is one of the elements of Digital Citizenship where it refers to the rights and responsibilities of each citizen about their privacy, freedom of expression, the security of accessing media, and protecting the rights of each and every digital citizen against any cybercrime like cyberbullying.

In the online world, users have rights and duties that are defined by rules. Anyone has to be protected against harmful Internet usage, such as cyberbullying, which can take various forms. Despite the fact that digital resources can provide an abundance of information, we should not treat them as if they were created by ourselves. Credit must be given when it is due. Furthermore, we must use digital resources ethically.

Advantages of Digital Rights and Responsibilities

  • The limits on copying or renting digital content combat piracy and protect the rights of copyright holders.
  • Digital citizens have the right to create and share digital content or media.
  • Digital citizens can report any harmful actions that are done towards them.
  • Digital citizens have the freedom to express their opinions.
  • Digital citizens have the rights to access technological devices.
  • Personal identities or information are secured and protected.

Disadvantages of Digital Rights and Responsibilities

  • Despite having properly acquired the information, buyers are prohibited from using it in any way they see fit. Consumers may encounter a number of disadvantages, including those mentioned below.
  • Copying content is banned, even for backup purposes.
  • Even if one owns all of them, one cannot access the product using multiple devices.
  • Screen readers cannot be used to convert text to voice for visually impaired persons.
  • Customers may opt not to purchase protected items as a result of this technology, which may reduce sales.

Importance of Digital Rights and Responsibilities

Digital Rights and Responsibilities are important because, through them, we are providing a digital environment where one is protected and secured from any cybercrime and has the freedom to express themselves. Through these rights and responsibilities, we are educating digital citizens to be responsible for their actions, to respect others, and to stand up for what is right and just. We need to utilize the digital world as a platform for change and positivity.


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